Road Atlanta for GPL This program creates Road Atlanta for GPL. You MUST have a full production copy of GPL installed on your hard disk for the track creation to work. Unzip the files wherever you wish and then simply run RoadA.exe. Do not run from inside a .zip file. Road Atlanta will automatically be added to your calendar as the Road Atlanta Grand Prix. RoadA will prompt you for the GPL application directory. This is simply the directory in which your GPL exe resides. The default is c:\sierra\gpl. At most, you should only need to change the drive letter. If the creation fails it is most likely that you have not set the GPL application directory correctly. The other cause would be low disk space on the Windows drive or on the drive containing GPL, because RoadA.exe requires a large amount of disk space. The intention of this project is to re-create the driving experience of the Road Atlanta. My graphics are not intended to be perfect reproduction of the track, so I will ignore emails telling me I have made mistakes with the trackside objects!. Many thanks to Erik Frechette, Alison Hine, Greger Huttu, Achim Trensz, and Wolfgang Woeger for all their support, encouragement and testing during the development. Thanks Greger for the superb .cam file! NOTE:- This program is only for distribution from The Pits web site. It is not for release from any web site, or on CD etc without permission. Dave Noonan 31-7-2000