Opatija - Preluk REAL TRACK Track Location: Opatija, Croatia Track Type : Public Roads Track Length : 6.000 kms.- 3.728 mil. Track Num. Turns : 18 Track Year : 1930-1977 Track Editors : Sergio Loro : Track Layout, all 3dos, some mips, AI files, cam files and srb files. Robert Zeugin : all beatiful advertising mips, "automotor" wall and a lot of fantastic mips :). Also Contribute : Tomislav "Wolf" Petricevic : all around lap video, research and testing. Carsten Meurer : testing and replay for grovee and AI. Greg "Gliebzeit" : testing and alternate cover. Track "standard" cover made by : John Bradley. thanks john!!! :) ================================================================== Please remember to uninstall and delete any previous versions of this track. Included is an opatija.jpg - just place this in your "\GPLSecrets\GEM+\Pictures" folder ================================================================== Editor Note I : I used some mips, 3dos and srb files from others tracks, the full credit its for their authors. Editor Note II : I want to thanks to Robert, Carsten, Greg and Wolf for spent they time with this project!!! Editor Note III : the "standard" cover by John come with the 1967 Croatian flag, if you dont like this flag john also made a alternate cover with the modern Croatian flag, i suppost for the Croatian gplers this a very welcome detail. to use the new flags you have to unpack the "modern_flag_cover.zip" into gpl/tracks/opatija folder. Editor Note IIII: if you want to check the alternate cover made by Greg, unpack the "cover_by_greg.zip" into gpl/tracks/opatija folder, we used this cover for beta track. Opatija - Preluk ----------------- Locally known as Preluk, this was a 6.000 km track in Croatia, used between the 1930s and 1977, when the track closed. It was also known as Abazzia in the 1930s, the territory temporarily belonging to Italy. It hosted international races (post-World War II) between 1950 and 1977, and bike races from 1969 onwards. GT and sportscar races were held between 1950 and 1959, Formula Junior in 1960, 1961 and 1963, and Formula 3 between 1964 and 1968. The track closed in 1977 due to increased driver hazards and the construction of the nearby Rijeka (Grobnik) track. ---------------- Thanks to SimRacing Mirror Zone for hosting this track. GPL Repository for hosting "my" private forum. All people who made the tools to create tracks, 3dos, mips, lp files, altitudes, etc, etc. All Gpl Community!!! to Racesimcentral forums www.m4driving.sm for host my previous tracks. www.gplpp.com for let me know about the latest gpl news to the GPL Track Database and his manager Magnus... visit trackdb.d2g.com and submit your rating!!!! Enjoy it drive... Sergio Loro