Can-Am 1971 Mod for GPL Update Patch v1.0 ----------------------------------------- Find enclosed files to patch car graphics, install more realistic steering wheels and dashboards, provide optional virtual mirrors, layout files for added realism and a new global AI and 'generic' driver file. Three sets of track-specific AI and LP files are provided for 3 non-championship tracks to give an example of 'tuned' relative performance of the '71 Can-Am cars with the 'generic' driver file. Installaton Instructions : ------------------------ Unzip into your main GPL folder, (Sierra/GPL) allowing the contents to overwrite the files already there. Can-Am '71 Mod Team Updates by: Graphics (dashboards / menus / stuff): silence, g.spinning, gliebzeit 3do (editing / optimizing / fixing): Shaun, Royale, MECH, Ginetto AI (realistic / competitive / usable): gliebzeit, Ginetto 28MAY2013